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Scientific Knowledge Graphs in the heart of Open Science

Building a research ecosystem where knowledge is contextualized, interconnected, interoperable, and accessible

Supporting knowledge discovery and research assessment

Democratising scholarly content

About SciLake

Why SciLake?

SciLake tackles the fragmentation, diversity, and disorganization of scientific knowledge, which hinders discovery and the extraction of valuable insights needed for informed decision-making in research.


By offering an environment to assist scientists transform domain knowledge into standardized and interoperable Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs) and enable the creation and use of value-added services built upon them.

What makes this challenging?

Domain experts often lack the specialized technical expertise required to perform this work independently. On the other hand, knowledge management experts alone cannot organize the information properly without domain-specific insights.

So, what is SciLake doing?

SciLake brings together partners with technical expertise in knowledge management, and experts from four scientific disciplines for pilot activities, in the domains of neuroscience, cancer, transportation, and energy. From this teamwork, we introduce the concept of the open Scientific Lake: a set of components designed for easy data access, improved knowledge discovery, research reproducibility, and other research-related activities. Domain experts can choose and adjust components to fit their specific needs, thanks to a highly customizable environment.

Let’s take a closer look!

SciLake Ecosystem

The SciLake ecosystem is a dynamic and robust framework designed to amplify the efficiency of daily research routines.

Scientific Lake Service

At the heart of the SciLake ecosystem lies the foundational Scientific Lake tier, which contains all the core components that researchers can use to effortlessly create, interlink, and maintain domain-specific SKGs, enabling seamless access and querying of vast scientific data.

Value-added services

The Application tier takes a step further by offering tailor-made, discipline-specific services built upon the Scientific Lake that empower researchers and domain experts to enhance the exploration of scientific domains and improve research reproducibility.

Research Community Pilots

The SciLake project actively involves domain experts in the design and development processes, seeking valuable feedback on initial service prototypes. These experts bring real-life use cases from four diverse scientific fields: Neuroscience, Cancer Research, Transport Research, and Energy Research. Their input ensures that the developed services are highly configurable and adaptable to the unique needs of various large scientific communities, including those involved in cross-disciplinary research and collaboration.

Committed to Open Science

SciLake will comply to the EOSC Interoperability Framework and will integrate its open-source services to the portfolio of OpenAIRE and EOSC Core services.

SciLake will further enhance the EOSC Graph and EOSC Discovery service.

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