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Initial service requirements
[M9, CNR, Report, Public] Report on the initial requirements for the services to be offered, representative and motivating use case scenarios for the pilots and KPIs. DOI:
Initial integrated system
[M18, ICM, Other, Public] First version of the integrated SciLake system. DOI:
Final integrated system
[M36, ICM, Other, Public] Final version of the integrated SciLake system, with the pilot workflow included, detailed report on EOSC integration.


Initial version of the Scientific Lake service
[M18, TUE, Other, Public] First prototype of the Scientific Lake service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the Scientific Lake service
[M34, TUE, Other, Public] Final prototype of the Scientific Lake service, implementing all functionalities.
Initial version of the smart impact-driven discovery service
[M18, ARC, Other, Public] First prototype of the AI-assisted impact-driven discovery service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the smart impact-driven discovery service
[M34, ARC, Other, Public] Final prototype of the AI-assisted impact-driven discovery service, implementing all functionalities.
Initial version of the smart reproducibility assistance service
[M18, SIRIS, Other, Public] First prototype of the AI-assisted reproducibility assistance service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the smart reproducibility assistance service
[M34, SIRIS, Other, Public] Final prototype of the AI-assisted reproducibility assistance service, implementing all functionalities.
Report on pilot setup and evaluation methodology
[M23, HEVS, Report, Public] Report on the pilot preparation and setup activities and the methodologies and baselines for the evaluation.
Pilot evaluation report
[M36, HEVS, Report, Public] Detailed description of the pilots, the service evaluation methodology, and the results of the respective validation and assessment processes.
Strategic planning for communication, engagement, and exploitation

[M6, OAIRE, Report, Public] Initial planning and preparation for the communication, engagement, and exploitation activities. DOI

Communication, engagement, and exploitation report
[M36, OAIRE, Report, Public] Report presenting an overview and assessment of the communication, engagement, and exploitation activities throughout the project.
Project management guide
[M3, ARC, Report, Public] Report that defines the project monitoring processes, conflict, risk management, deliverable review procedures and templates to be used by the consortium for an efficient and effective project implementation. DOI
Data management plan
[M6, ARC, Report, Public] Report that defines how the project results will be curated, made accessible where applicable, and includes a basis for fueling the relevant project WPs. DOI