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Initial service requirements
[M9, CNR, Report, Public] Report on the initial requirements for the services to be offered, representative and motivating use case scenarios for the pilots and KPIs. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8403179.
Initial integrated system
[M18, ICM, Other, Public] First version of the integrated SciLake system. DOI:
Final integrated system
[M36, ICM, Other, Public] Final version of the integrated SciLake system, with the pilot workflow included, detailed report on EOSC integration.


Initial version of the Scientific Lake service
[M18, TUE, Other, Public] First prototype of the Scientific Lake service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the Scientific Lake service
[M34, TUE, Other, Public] Final prototype of the Scientific Lake service, implementing all functionalities.
Initial version of the smart impact-driven discovery service
[M18, ARC, Other, Public] First prototype of the AI-assisted impact-driven discovery service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the smart impact-driven discovery service
[M34, ARC, Other, Public] Final prototype of the AI-assisted impact-driven discovery service, implementing all functionalities.
Initial version of the smart reproducibility assistance service
[M18, SIRIS, Other, Public] First prototype of the AI-assisted reproducibility assistance service, implementing the respective basic functionalities. DOI:
Final version of the smart reproducibility assistance service
[M34, SIRIS, Other, Public] Final prototype of the AI-assisted reproducibility assistance service, implementing all functionalities.
Report on pilot setup and evaluation methodology
[M23, HEVS, Report, Public] Report on the pilot preparation and setup activities and the methodologies and baselines for the evaluation.
Pilot evaluation report
[M36, HEVS, Report, Public] Detailed description of the pilots, the service evaluation methodology, and the results of the respective validation and assessment processes.
Strategic planning for communication, engagement, and exploitation

[M6, OAIRE, Report, Public] Initial planning and preparation for the communication, engagement, and exploitation activities. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8101671

Communication, engagement, and exploitation report
[M36, OAIRE, Report, Public] Report presenting an overview and assessment of the communication, engagement, and exploitation activities throughout the project.
Project management guide
[M3, ARC, Report, Public] Report that defines the project monitoring processes, conflict, risk management, deliverable review procedures and templates to be used by the consortium for an efficient and effective project implementation. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8116853
Data management plan
[M6, ARC, Report, Public] Report that defines how the project results will be curated, made accessible where applicable, and includes a basis for fueling the relevant project WPs. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8116908