Scilake will deliver a range of diverse outputs.
EOSC-integrated, customisable Scientific Lake service
A data lake of scholarly content (both the software stack and the content), equipped with a toolset for the acquisition of unstructured scholarly content and for the creation, interlinking, and management of SKGs and relevant services.
EOSC-integrated, customisable smart impact-driven discovery service
For the automated assessment of research impact according to various perspectives to empower and facilitate the identification of research trends and of valuable research objects.
EOSC-integrated, customisable reproducibility assistance service
To offer automated assessment of the reproducibility/replicability/repeatability of research works.
Tailored knowledge management & discovery services and SKGs
Customized and configured versions of the developed services focused to address special needs of the four scientific domains of the pilot research communities and tested and evaluated by actors from these communities.
Community governance mechanisms and activities to democratise scholarly content
Facilitate the engagement of the research community at large to take the control of the management of scholarly content and of relevant services and helping the wider adoption of the SciLake services by EOSC, as well.