Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Karolinska Institutet (KI) is one of the world’s foremost medical universities. As a university, KI is Sweden’s single largest centre of medical academic research and offers the country’s widest range of medical courses and programs. KI has collaboration agreements in research and education with a large number of universities worldwide, with companies in the biomed and biotech sectors and also with individual countries. Together with Karolinska University Hospital, a highly specialized and one of the leading hospitals in Scandinavia, it is recognized as an excellent environment for translational and clinical cancer research. During 2020, KI participated in 201 EU funded collaborative research-projects, of which 11 as the coordinating organisation. The Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK) carries out research within numerous medical fields with a strong focus on cancer research
Role in the project
KI contributes in the piloting activities (WP5) offering its expertise in Cancer research. KI will also actively contribute in the requirement acquisition and design activities providing the needs of the respective scientific field.