University of Oslo (UiO)
The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
The University of Oslo (UiO) was founded in 1811 as the first university in Norway. UiO is the highest ranked institution of education and research in Norway and is Norway’s second largest public institution of research and higher education with 8 faculties, 2 museums, 26 500 students, 6 600 employees and 8,4 billion NOK in total budget (2020). UiO has an extensive EU research project portfolio. In Horizon 2020 UiO has been granted over 100 projects and ranks 25th in Europe based on the number of ERC grant-holders. UiO participates in the project through the Neural Systems laboratory of its Institute of Basic Medical Sciences. The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences belongs to the Faculty of Medicine. It is the largest national centre in its field in Norway, covering research on biological processes from the nucleic acid level to whole organisms and human behaviour.
Role in the project
UIO contributes in the piloting activities (WP5) offering its expertise in Neuroscience. CERTH will also actively contribute in the requirement acquisition and design activities providing the needs of the respective scientific field.