SciNoBo Citance Analysis analyzes citation statements and tries to determine their Intent, Polarity, Semantics and further scientific evidence.
SciNoBo Citance Analysis analyzes citation statements, also known as citances, and tries to determine their:
- Intent: reuse, comparison, generic;
- Polarity: agreement, info, disagreement;
- Semantics: claim, results, methodology, research artifact;
- Further scientific evidence for a specific citation mark inside the citance.
The tool aim is to differentiate and quantify reusability of research artifacts (datasets, software, methods etc.) and other types/aspects of reproducibility (i.e. generalization, robustness, replicability, reproducibility).
Browse Results: Not available yet
Website: SciNoBo services
Publications: Not available
Citance Analysis: Analyzes citation statements, also known as citances and tries to determine its Intent, Polarity, Semantics.