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SciLake Project Reaches Key Milestone in Pilot Preparation

SciLake Pilots

SciLake Project Reaches Key Milestone in Pilot Preparation

By Stefania Amodeo

We are excited to announce a significant achievement in the SciLake project as we complete Milestone M3, marking the successful preparation of our pilot programs. This milestone represents a crucial step forward in our mission to revolutionize scientific knowledge management through domain-specific knowledge graphs.


What We've Achieved

Our team has been working diligently across four pilot domains: Neuroscience, Transportation, Cancer, and Energy. Each pilot is designed to demonstrate how SciLake's customizable ecosystem can adapt to different research communities' unique needs.

Our achievements include:

  • Comprehensive definition of pilot domains and their specific requirements
  • Establishment of strong partnerships with service providers
  • Development of robust evaluation methodologies
  • Implementation of training programs and collaborative activities

Why This Matters

The completion of this milestone brings us closer to our goal of creating a scientific lake that truly serves the research community. By tailoring our services to specific research domains, we're ensuring that SciLake will provide meaningful solutions for real-world scientific challenges.

Looking Ahead

With pilot preparation now complete, we're moving into an exciting phase of implementation and testing. Our teams are eager to see how these carefully designed pilots will demonstrate the full potential of SciLake's knowledge management ecosystem.

Learn more about our pilots and stay tuned for more updates: 

Pilot Case Studies

For more detailed information about our pilot preparation and evaluation methodology, you can access our comprehensive report:

Deliverable D5.1: Report on pilot setup and evaluation methodology

Read more …SciLake Project Reaches Key Milestone in Pilot Preparation

SciLake at EOSC Symposium 2024: Advancing Scholarly Data Interoperability


SciLake at EOSC Symposium 2024: Advancing Scholarly Data Interoperability

By Stefania Amodeo

The EOSC Symposium 2024 in Berlin marked a significant advancement in scholarly data management initiatives. SciLake, in collaboration with partners from GraspOS, OSTrails, and FAIRCORE4EOSC, convened in an unconference session to address critical developments in data interoperability frameworks. This blog post summarises the key takeways from the session.


During our workshop "EOSC Collaborative Frontiers to Achieve Interoperability and Enhance Scholarly Data," we explored the Scientific Knowledge Graph - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF). This innovative framework, developed by the Research Data Alliance (RDA), represents a significant advancement in enhancing scholarly data management and interoperability within the EOSC ecosystem.

The session featured presentations from leading experts in the field:

  • Thanasis Vergoulis (Athena Research Center), who presented practical insights on implementing SKG-IF
  • Elli Papadopoulou (Athena Research Center), who discussed achieving FAIRness, interconnectivity, and machine actionability throughout the research lifecycle
  • Matt Buys (DataCite), who offered valuable perspectives from repository management
  • Andrea Mannocci (CNR), who examined the implications for research assessment

OpenAIRE's Giulia Malaguarnera moderated the discussion, which generated productive dialogue about the future of scholarly data management.

What We Achieved

Our session achieved three key outcomes:

  • We deepened the EOSC community's understanding of SKG-IF and its real-world applications
  • We created a space for productive dialogue about optimizing SKG-IF adoption
  • We gathered valuable community feedback to help align future EOSC project efforts

Want to Learn More?

We've made all resources freely available:

Read more …SciLake at EOSC Symposium 2024: Advancing Scholarly Data Interoperability

SciLake Third Plenary Meeting

Consortium meeting

SciLake Third Plenary Meeting

By Stefania Amodeo

The SciLake project recently concluded its third plenary meeting, hosted by the Eindhoven University of Technology. The two-day event, held on November 27–28, 2024, brought together project partners both in person and online to discuss key developments and future directions. This blog post summarizes the meeting's key points.


The meeting began with an open session where the project coordinator, Thanasis Vergoulis (ARC) presented a status overview of the SciLake project, followed by two invited speakers from the scholarly communication community:

  • Andrea Mannocci (CNR) who presented progress on the SKG interoperability framework,
  • Paolo Manghi (CNR & OpenAIRE) who discussed integration opportunities within the new EOSC ecosystem.

The open session concluded with Serafeim Chatzopoulos (ARC) and Daan de Graaf (TU/e) who demonstrated the SciLake ecosystem in action, showcasing some project's practical applications.

The afternoon of the first day was dedicated to the Scientific Lake Service, where partners reviewed pilot status and participated in workshops focusing on data models and graph querying methodologies.

The second day centered on Value-added Services, specifically the Knowledge Discovery Service and Reproducibility Service, with detailed discussions on demonstration approaches and evaluation plans.

The meeting concluded with strategic discussions on project exploitation, sustainability, and dissemination strategies as SciLake enters its final year.

These sessions set the stage for implementing key developments that will enhance data accessibility, knowledge discovery, and research reproducibility within the scientific community.

The successful meeting marks another milestone in SciLake's mission to build an ecosystem that facilitates easy data access and improves research practices across the scientific community.

Read more …SciLake Third Plenary Meeting

EOSC projects enhancing scholarly data interoperability


EOSC projects enhancing scholarly data interoperability: a joint session at the EOSC Symposium 2024

By Stefania Amodeo

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Symposium 2024 will take place in Berlin from October 21 to 23. This event will bring together key stakeholders including policymakers, funders, representatives from research institutions, communities, and Infrastructures actively involved in the EOSC ecosystem.

Complementing the main program, the symposium will host six community-voted unconference sessions. Among these, a collaborative workshop titled "EOSC Collaborative Frontiers to Achieve Interoperability and Enhance Scholarly Data" is organised by EOSC projects SciLake, GraspOS, OSTrails, and FAIRCORE4EOSC. This session aims to refine the framework to better serve the EOSC community and advance scholarly data interoperability.


What's on the Agenda?

The session, "EOSC Collaborative Frontiers to Achieve Interoperability and Enhance Scholarly Data," will run from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. It will spotlight the Scientific Knowledge Graph - Interoperability Framework (SKG-IF), a model developed by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) to manage, connect, and share scholarly data. Representatives from research communities testing the framework will share their insights on its applications for data and metadata management, FAIRness, research assessment, and research discovery.

Attendees can look forward to insightful presentations from experts in the field:

  • Thanasis Vergoulis, Athena Research Center: progress and challenges in onboarding the SKG-IF within the EOSC.
  • Elli Papadopoulou, Athena Research Center: steps towards achieving FAIRness, interconnectivity, and machine actionability across all phases of the research lifecycle.
  • Matt Buys, DataCite: insights from the network of repository managers.
  • Andrea Mannocci, CNR: perspectives on research assessment.

The session will conclude with a discussion on the next steps for EOSC, moderated by Giulia Malaguarnera, OpenAIRE Outreach and Engagement officer, in which participants will be invited to engage in the discussion, and to provide their feedback on the ongoing development of the SKG-IF roadmap.

Why Attend?

This session offers valuable insights and opportunities:

  • Explore SKG-IF's potential for enhancing research assessment, discovery, data management, and FAIR principles
  • Learn about recent SKG-IF improvements within EOSC initiatives
  • Collaborate with repository managers, research assessment experts, and research infrastructure members to refine the framework for EOSC

By bringing together diverse perspectives, the session aims to refine the framework, better serve the EOSC community, and push forward the frontiers of scholarly data interoperability.

How to Participate

Interested in joining? Here's what you need to know:


Read more …EOSC projects enhancing scholarly data interoperability

AffilGood: Enhancing Scientific Attribution


AffilGood: Enhancing Scientific Attribution

By Stefania Amodeo

In the world of scientific research, accurate attribution is paramount. However, linking scientific works to research organizations has long been a challenge, primarily due to the scarcity of openly available annotated data describing institutional affiliations. This issue is particularly pronounced when dealing with complex and multilingual affiliation strings.

Our partners at SIRIS Academic have developed AffilGood, an innovative framework designed to enhance the identification and linking of institutions from raw, multilingual strings, significantly improving affiliation metadata in Scientific Knowledge Graphs.

What is AffilGood?

AffilGood is a multifaceted framework addressing the complexities of institution name disambiguation in scientific literature. It consists of two primary components:

  • A robust collection of datasets for extracting information from raw affiliation strings
  • An entity linking module that connects organisations mentioned in affiliations or research projects to ROR (Research Organization Registry) identifiers

Tackling Complex Challenges

AffilGood excels in handling various challenging scenarios such as:

  • Processing noisy or incomplete input data
  • Managing affiliations in languages other than English or with mixed languages
  • Navigating complex affiliations involving diverse institution types (e.g., companies, universities, hospitals, research centres) at different hierarchical levels

Recent Developments

Our partners, Nicolau Duran-Silva and Pablo Accuosto, recently showcased AffilGood at the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing. Their paper, "AffilGood: Building reliable institution name disambiguation tools to improve scientific literature analysis", offers in-depth insights into the framework's capabilities and its potential impact on scientific literature analysis.

For those interested in the technical details, the full paper is available in the workshop proceedings:

Duran-Silva, N., Accuosto, P., Przybyła, P. and Saggion, H., 2024, August. AffilGood: Building reliable institution name disambiguation tools to improve scientific literature analysis. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2024) (pp. 135-144). URL:

SciLake Integration

We're excited to announce the integration of AffilGood into SciLake's "Knowledge Graph creation assistant" as an institution disambiguation pipeline. This integration will significantly enhance our ability to accurately identify and link institutional affiliations across the research landscape.

By improving the quality of affiliation metadata in scientific knowledge graphs, we're taking a major step forward in scientific literature analysis. As we refine this technology, we aim to streamline institution name disambiguation, ultimately enabling more precise and efficient attribution of scientific works.

Read more …AffilGood: Enhancing Scientific Attribution